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Can you earn Brownie Badges at home?

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

There are some great reasons to join a Girl Scout Troop. Working towards and earning badges is just one reason. But sometimes if you're girl is not able to join a troop. You may be in a Troop but your girl may have different interests than the other girls. If you find yourself in one of these situations, you may be looking to have your girl earn Brownie Badges at home.

But...can you earn Brownie Badges at home?

YES! You can earn Brownie Badges on your own at home!

While every Troop is different, it is absolutely acceptable to work towards Brownie Badges at home.

Before you starting working on a badge, you should consider the following.

1) Consult your Troop Leaders about the badge your girl wants to work towards

You have the ability to earn many different badges. Many Troops work on badges together throughout a year. It is possible that a badge you are interested in is one that you will be working on as a Troop.

Always have a conversation with your Troop Leaders first. This will ensure you're not doing badgework twice if it can be avoided.

But remember, even if you completed a badge and your Troop decides to work on it later in the year or the following year, you can still participate in those meetings. A great way to participate is by helping Troop Leaders by guiding the girls through each step of the badge. You can talk about what you did to complete the badge.

2) Obtain the badge steps and requirements

You want to understand the Badge requirements for whatever badge you're interested in. Knowing the requirements will make sure you put the effort towards the steps needed to complete the badge.

3) Understand what you need to show your Troop Leaders to earn the badge.

Your Troop Leaders won't be with you the entire time you complete the badgework. They'll want to confirm that you need all the necessary work to complete the badge.

Some Leaders have checklists. Others may require a parent to observe and sign off on completion. A popular option is for parents to take pictures as the girl completes the badge.

Additionally, your Troop Leader may want the girl to present the Troop with what they did to earn the badge. This ensures the girl really understood the concepts and also engages the other Troop members. It may even inspire them to work on badges outside of the Troop as well!

Good luck earning your next badge! There are many fun and easy Brownie badges to earn at home!

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