Download the booklet from TroopLeaderHub
Print out the booklet. Cut the pages along the dotted line the in center of the page. Staple on the left side.
Meet with your troop and go through the booklet to meet the minimum requirements of the badge!
Suggestions for Using this Booklet
Page 1
Talk about how cookie sales have helped support troops for over a century. As you talk about the different cookie types, have the girls color each box the correct color:
Tagalong/Peanut Butter Patties: Red
Thin Mints: Green
Trefoils: Blue
Smores: Brown
Lemon-Ups/Lemonades: Yellow
Samoas/Caramel deLights: Purple
Adventurefuls: Khaki
Toffee-tastic: Light Blue
Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich: Orange
Caramel Chocolate Chip: Dark Blue
Toast-Yay: Light Green
Page 2
Having a sales goal is great. But having meaning behind that goal is even better. Talk about the things they can do with the money they raise through cookie sales.
Have them suggest some things they can use the money for within the troop. And then talk about things they can do to help others - through donations or events.
Page 3
Having a sales goal is great. But having meaning behind that goal is even better. Talk about the things they can do with the money they raise through cookie sales.
Have them suggest some things they can use the money for within the troop. And then talk about things they can do to help others - through donations or events.
Page 4
Talk to the girls about how we can talk to customer and make cookie sales.
They may not know about Girl Scouts.
They may not know that Girl Scout cookies can help our troop and community.
They may not know how much they cost.
They may not know any of the cookie types and what they may like.
Page 5
Have the girls work on a sales pitch.
They can use the template above to fill in the blanks or try one of their own.
Have the girls role play with each other to try out different sales pitches.