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Leaders Guide
Juniors Cookie CEO Badge Workbook

Downlaod the Workbook. Use the resources below with the workbook to complete this badge!


Download the booklet from TroopLeaderHub


Print out the booklet. Cut the pages along the dotted line the in center of the page. Staple on the left side.


Meet with your troop and go through the booklet to meet the minimum requirements of the badge!

Suggestions for Using this Booklet

This guide will help you lead the Girl Scout Troop through the badge. 

Page 1

We start this badge talking about goal setting. Each girl should think about their personal goal. Leaders could print out total personal sales for each girl. Talk about how they can set a goal to sell the same or more this year. Have them write down their personal goals.


Page 2

Have the girls share their personal goals and tabulate the total goal. Make this something exciting that the girls can work towards. 



Page 3

Our cookie season is like a small business. Use this to talk about what a small business is, the different tasks needed to keep a small business running. 


Talk about the different departments in a business. You can review the below. Consider inviting someone who owns a business to discuss. Some business owners have multiple roles.


  • Accounting/Finance - Make sure money is tracked properly

  • Marketing - Makes advertisements to sell products to people

  • Sales - Focuses on selling products to customers

  • Customer Service - Helps customers with issues

  • CEO - Make sure all departments are doing what they should so the company makes money

  • Product Design - Creates new products to sell

  • Operations - Fulfills orders after sales are made

  • Human Resource - Deals with employees and employee issues

  • Legal - makes sure the business is following all necessary rules

Page 4

Now that the girls understand the different departments of a business, break down the troop's cookie business into similar "departments". How do we get cookies to our customers. How do we find customers? Who handles the money? etc. Have them fill out the boxes. Here's an example of what one may look like.

cookie business.png

Page 5 and 6

We want to have the girl start thinking about what they need to get ready for cookie season. Have them outline some of the jobs that need to be done. You can use page 4 to figure out what tasks need to be completed for each box. 


On page 6, have the girls think about and take a job that needs to be done. Have them write down the assignments.

Page 7 and 8

We then want the girls to think about how little things can impact sales. One of the things that can make a difference is how we present ourselves. Give examples of how we can best present ourselves to our customers both in in-person sales and cookie booths.

Page 9 and 10

Lastly, we want the girls to understand that tracking our sales can give us additional insignts into our Cookie business. We can look at the most popular cookie types, best locations of cookie booths, best times of day for cookie booths. etc. Pick a way that you will track your sales this year and talk about how that will help you sell in the next year.






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