Download the booklet from TroopLeaderHub
Print out the booklet. Cut the pages along the dotted line the in center of the page. Staple on the left side.
Meet with your troop and go through the booklet to meet the minimum requirements of the badge!
Suggestions for Using this Booklet
For this meeting you will need to choose a book to read to the troop. You can also play a readaloud video from Youtube.
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Read a book to your troop that covers the topic of doing good deeds and making the world a better place. Here are a few of our favorites for this topic. After the story you can talk about the book and then have the girls draw a picture of how the characters in the book were able to leave the world better than they found it.
Miss Rumphius (Buy on Amazon)
You Can Change the World: The Kids’ Guide to a Better Planet (Buy on Amazon)
Clifford’s Good Deeds (Buy on Amazon)
Ordinary Mary’s Extraorinary Day (Buy on Amazon)
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After the girls draw their pictures about the book. They can continue coloring and/or you talk as a group about the different ways you can make a difference in our world.
This is also a fun way to introduce "Do a good turn daily" which is the Girl Scout slogan. It's a good reminder that we can do something good every day to either bring joy to someone else or to help the Earth or others.
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Have the girls continue to talk about ways to make the world a better place. Have them identify what good deeds are happening in each of the pictures and how/who they help. Next have the girls work in groups to practice some of these scenarios.
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Lastly, have the girls write down how they will help make the world a better place by making a difference in their every day lives.